Determining the Turnover of Glycosphingolipid Species by Stable-Isotope Tracer Lipidomics

Skotland, T.; Ekroos, K.; Kavaliauskiene, S.; et al. 

In an effort to better understand the synthesis and turnover rates of glycosphingolipid (GSL) species, Skotland T et al. conducted a time-course study with HEp-2 cells grown in the absence/presence of a stable isotope-labeled substrate (either U-13C glucose or serine). The de novo biosynthesis/degradation of unlabeled/labeled ceramide and GSLs were evaluated by LC-MRM/MS. Found was a class-dependent correlation with the formation and turnover of sphingolipids and GSLs according to the labeled substrate incorporated. This enabled pathway-specific measurements to be made.

IsoTopics – November 2016